Dos Prompt Modifications

October 26, 2006

As I tend to use a dos a lot I decided it might be nice to modify the way dos looks. Below is the result of my modifications. I basically just changed the font color to green and made the working directory appear one line higher than normal. Here are the steps if you would […]

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ftp with 2 connections transfer from remote server to remote server

October 24, 2006

Every so often I need the ability to transfer files directly from one server to another. Now this could be done by using a standard ftp program like filezilla and first copying it from a remote computer to the local computer and then again copying it back to another remote computer. Although, sometimes it is nice […]

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Time to switch to Internet Explorer 7

October 23, 2006

If your a web developer and you haven’t yet switched to internet explorer 7 (ie7) then now might be a good time. Microsoft has announced that they plan on distributing ie7 via automatic update by November 1st. Since many computers are set to automatically update. It might be a good idea to start checking sites […]

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September 25, 2006

For those that are looking for my portfolio I have moved it. It is now located at the following location (the link can also be found in the right navigation bar):

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