Software Development

Determine File Encoding

by Brett on December 14, 2006

I ran into a problem where I wasn’t sure if I could trust the encoding that my text editor was displaying. I also wanted to check the encoding on about 10,000 files and determine if it was not a specific encoding. So, I created a little program to tell me the encoding of a file. This in […]


Formatting SQL

by Brett on December 7, 2006

Today I found a nice little Java tool to help format long SQL queries. It has many options on how the string will be formatted. It will also take sql input types such as: SQL DB2/UDB Oracle MSAccess SQL Server Sybase MYSQL PostgreSQL Informix It then can take this input SQL and format it into […]

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Java to C# Comparison

by Brett on November 22, 2006

The first high-level language that I learned was Java. Of course I shortly found that there was a need to know C# too. So, as I started  to learn C# I kept a list of the differences between C# and Java (as can m be seen below).    Class ——–     Java: class GMTTime extends Time implements ICloneable{…}     C#: class GMTTime: Time, […]

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Force No Cache on a Webpage

by Brett on November 6, 2006

Sometimes it is usefull to force a web page to not be cached. One example where this could be used is on a form that takes credit card information. Once the user submits their data you may not want someone to be able to hit the back button and be able to view the users credit card information. […]

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Character Encodings

by Brett on November 1, 2006

A text document can be saved with many different types of character encodings. The question is which one is correct? Is there a best encoding for web development or to use in the <meta http-equiv=“Content-Type”? A great guide to understanding the different encodings can be found here.

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Every so often I need the ability to transfer files directly from one server to another. Now this could be done by using a standard ftp program like filezilla and first copying it from a remote computer to the local computer and then again copying it back to another remote computer. Although, sometimes it is nice […]

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Time to switch to Internet Explorer 7

by Brett on October 23, 2006

If your a web developer and you haven’t yet switched to internet explorer 7 (ie7) then now might be a good time. Microsoft has announced that they plan on distributing ie7 via automatic update by November 1st. Since many computers are set to automatically update. It might be a good idea to start checking sites […]

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by Brett on September 25, 2006

For those that are looking for my portfolio I have moved it. It is now located at the following location (the link can also be found in the right navigation bar):

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